Last updated: 8/7/2017
Farmington, New Hampshire
422 Main St.
Farmington, NH 03835


Meeting at 6:00 PM Presentation at 7:00 PM in the Historical Society Museum at the Goodwin Library.


New members are always welcome. Yearly dues are $5.00 and our monthly programs are free! Join us for refreshments after our speaker.


Stan Freeda
Kyle Leach
Museum of Farmington History at the Goodwin Library

The Farmington Historical Society operates The Museum of Farmington History. The museum is open during Meetings of the Historical Society, held on the first Friday of each month, on Hay Day, and by special appointment.

The native Indians called the area "Chemung," meaning "canoe place." When settlers arrived in the 1770's, it was known as the Northwest Parish of Rochester. Distance and rough roads made it difficult for these first families to travel to the established church in Rochester, although they were taxed heavily for it. This age old problem of taxation was the catalyst which caused the citizens to petition for a charter to incorporate a separate township of Farmington, and this was granted on December 1, 1798. The first town meeting was held on March 11, 1799, at the home of Simon Dame. The 141 voters present elected three selectmen: Idhabod Hayes, Lieutenant Ephraim Kimball and David Roberts. This form of government has been maintained, with the addition of a town administrator, to this day.

Originally an agricultural settlement, the early homes were farms in the Merrill's Corner section, hence the town name. In the 1800s, the establishment of water-powered industries along the Cocheco, Ela and Mad Rivers caused a population shift with the present downtown area evolving near these rivers. The subsequent construction, in 1849, of a railroad through the mill area brought further prosperity and cemented the location of the town commercial center. In the early days this business area was referred to as "The Dock" or "Puddledock," a name which endures today on the masthead of the local newspaper, The Puddledock Pres

Though difficult to envision today, the downtown area once contained several hotels, grocery stores and even a movie theater and bowling alley. Farmington has had its ups and downs like any other community, with prosperity checked by disasters and economic depressions. Through good and bad times, its generations of loyal residents remained strong and supportive of one another, with deep pride in the past accomplishments and optimism for the future.

Geneology Records

The Historical Society does not maintain historical records of residents and families previously living in Farmington. The Goodwin Library does have a few records from local cemeteries. While we welcome questions of any kind, and will try to answer them as best we can, please contact the town offices and Goodwin Library first, if you are conducting genealogical searches. They are more equipped to help you with your questions.

Meetings are at 6:00 PM

Meeting at 6:00 PM Presentation at 7:00 PM in the Historical Society Museum at the Goodwin Library. Membership is $5/year.


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Artifact Collections
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Following the meeting we will stay in the museum to record any Farmington residents who want to share their favorite stories about Farmington. Whether it be about past town events, family memories, friendships, favorite objects, come join us and share your memory of Farmington's past. The program is open to all and all are welcome.

Our Collections

This site contains the online collection and archive information for items in the Farmington NH Historical Society Museum at the Goodwin Library. The online museum has a small representation of what we have available, but as time goes on, more items are being added at regular intervals. Some of the items in the museum collection belong to other organizations and are cataloged as such. Other items do not exist in the physical collection, but have been donated as digital records for the archive. Please consider visiting the Farmington NH Historical Society website to view past and current events sponsored by the society.

The Stories of Farmington Initiative

The Stories of Farmington Initiative is an ongoing project of the Farmington Historical Society that attempts to capture our local history and make it come alive through storytelling. The collaboratory project seeks volunteer participants who currently or formerly lived in Farmington to share their favorite stories about Farmington, or about their lives in Farmington. The Society wants you to share your stories about past town events, family memories, friendships, favorite objects, or your favorite memories of life in Farmington past or present. All you have to do is make an appointment to have your story recorded by the Historical Society.

Access: General Public, Students, Scholars, Members
Appointment required: Yes
About the Puddledock Press

Originally an agricultural settlement, the early homes were farms in the Merrill's Corner section, hence the town name. In the 1800s, the establishment of water-powered industries along the Cocheco, Ela and Mad Rivers caused a population shift with the present downtown area evolving near these rivers. The subsequent construction, in 1849, of a railroad through the mill area brought further prosperity and cemented the location of the town commercial center. In the early days this business area was referred to as "The Dock" or "Puddledock," a name which endures today on the masthead of the local newspaper, The Puddledock Press.

The Puddledock Press is published monthly by the Puddledock staff. To have an item of local interest considered for publication, submit it to: The Puddledock Press of Farmington, New Hampshire 569 Main Street Farmington, NH 03835 603-755-2525

Letters to the Editor are welcome and will be printed at the discretion of the Editor, space permitting. Letters published are not necessarily the opinion of the staff. Please submit your letters to Both hardcopy and email subscriptions are available. Find out more at

Yes, You can Advertise in the Puddledock Press

For advertising rates and information, please contact the Puddledock Press via email at

Museum Events
This information, including business hours, addresses and contact information is provided for general reference purposes only. No representation is made or warranty is given as to its content or the reliability thereof. User assumes all risk of use. Stories USA, Inc. and its content suppliers assume no responsibility for any loss or delay resulting from such use. Please call ahead to verify the dates, the location and directions.


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